Home » Heart attack cases increased in India due to Kovid vaccine? ICMR is looking for answers to these 3 questions

Heart attack cases increased in India due to Kovid vaccine? ICMR is looking for answers to these 3 questions

Has the vaccine made to stop the corona virus increase the risk of heart attack in people? ICMR has now started searching for some such questions. These days ICMR is doing a study whose initial report will be published in July 2023. In this study, ICMR is trying to understand the link between Covid-19 vaccination and increasing heart attacks in the young population in India.

In the year 2019, the corona virus knocked in China. It started from China but gradually this virus engulfed the whole world. By the year 2020, seeing the situation getting worse in India, a lockdown had to be imposed. After this, the efforts to make vaccine started and many countries discovered the vaccine of this disease. However, by 2021, people started being vaccinated in India as well. However, along with this, a sudden increase in heart attack cases was also observed. 

By April 2021, when Corona took a dangerous form in India, vaccination had already started for the common people. During this period, many people died across the country. Some died due to corona virus while some died due to heart attack and other diseases. After this, questions started arising that due to the vaccine made to stop the corona virus, the risk of heart attack has increased in people. 

ICMR is doing a study on these allegations. The initial report of this study will be published in July 2023. In this study, ICMR is trying to understand the link between Covid-19 vaccination and increasing heart attacks in the young population in India.

The report will be made public only after reaching a strong result.

The preliminary report of this study is pending for some time. Before publishing it, ICMR is reviewing the findings revealed so far. ICMR is doing a very thorough study regarding this report. So it is an effort to make its figures public only when they are completely confirmed. 

ICMR engaged in the search of these questions

ICMR is studying some questions to investigate the sudden increase in heart attacks and their relation with Kovid-19 vaccination. These are the questions…

1. Have people died of natural causes after vaccination?

2. Was the vaccine made to stop Kovid responsible for the death?

3. Was the patient who lost his life in a critical stage of Covid or was he suffering from it for a long time?

Data collected from 40 hospitals  

As a sample size for this study, ICMR has taken information about clinical registration from 40 hospitals. The data of many of these patients has also been taken from AIIMS. According to the information, 600 deaths were reported from the sample size of 14,000 people.

The health minister had accepted this

Let us inform that in the month of March, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya was speaking at the summit of a channel. During this, he admitted that there has been an increase in the number of deaths due to heart attack after Corona. Then he said that it has been discussed and ICMR is studying in this matter. 

Delay in reporting

Mandaviya had said, we have the statistics of vaccination. He told that ICMR is studying this issue for the last 3-4 months on some questions. By the way, its report was to come in 6 months. But now it is believed that the report of this study will be made public in the month of July.

Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya had also said that the data on deaths due to heart attack is also being reviewed by AIIMS Delhi. Mandaviya had admitted that Corona vaccine manufacturing was increased not only to meet India’s needs but also for exports. 

Discussion of India’s vaccination in the whole world

According to the Union Minister, it was said in the beginning that India would have to face a devastating effect. But today India is being praised globally for the best vaccine campaign and corona management. Even Bill Gates had praised India.

Incidents of heart attack have increased in youth. 

According to the Indian Heart Association, over the years, the risk of heart attack has been seen in 50 percent of people below 50 years of age and 25 percent of people below 40 years of age. Meaning, the incidence of heart attacks is increasing among the youth and men are suffering from heart disease more than women. Blood pressure, sugar, stress, obesity and irregular lifestyle are seen as major reasons for heart diseases. 

Many experts believe that after Kovid infection, the incidence of blood clotting in the body has increased rapidly and studies are also going on whether there is any corona connection behind these increasing diseases of the heart.


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